DJI Phantom 4 Pro vs FuriBee X215 PRO

When you compare the DJI Phantom 4 Pro to the FuriBee X215 PRO you can see which Drone is better. Let's take a look of the comparison, and see which model of Drone out ontop.

What Drone is better?

The Phantom 4 Pro is a high-end consumer drone from DJI, while the FuriBee X215 PRO is a budget-friendly option from FuriBee. Both drones are capable of capturing 4K video and 12-megapixel photos, but the Phantom 4 Pro has a better camera with a larger sensor, higher bitrate, and mechanical shutter. The Phantom 4 Pro also has obstacle avoidance, while the FuriBee X215 PRO does not. In terms of flight time, the Phantom 4 Pro can stay in the air for up to 30 minutes, while the FuriBee X215 PRO is limited to 20 minutes. The Phantom 4 Pro is also more expensive, with a retail price of $1,499.

Specs comparison between the two Drones

DJI Phantom 4 ProFuriBee X215 PRO
Release Date11/20162017
Country of OriginChina
Battery Capacity (mAH)5870 mAh1300 mAh
Rotor Count44
Max. Speed72 km/h130.4 km/h
Max. Range7 km
Max. Flight Time30 min
Dimensions289 x 289 x 196 mm175 × 225 × 60 mm
Weight1388 g346 g
Video Resolution4K
Video Framerate30 fps
Camera Resolution - Photo20 MP
Live Video Resolution720p
Live Video Frame Rate30 fps
Live Video Feed?YES
4k Camera?YES
Minimum Temperature0° C
Maximum Temperature40° C
LCD Controller?YES
Gimbal Stabilizer?YES
LED Lights?YES
FPV Goggles?YES

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