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Airborne Drones Atlas-T

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  • Max. Speed

    18 m/s

  • Max. Range

    150 km

  • Max. Flight Time

    80 min

Product Overview

The Airborne Drones Atlas-T is our newest offering in high performance drones. Featuring a top speed of 18 m/s, a max range of 150 km, and a max flight time of 80 minutes, the Atlas-T is ideal for any application. With an easy to use return home feature, this drone can be flown back to its original location even if it loses communication with the controller And because it's so easy to transport and set up, the Atlas-T is perfect for any occasion.

Airborne Drones Atlas-T Specification


A multirotor drone is a multiple propeller, vertical lift drone. These drones are more maneuverable due to their flight profile, being able to fly much closer to buildings and other obstacles. Multi-rotor drones like the Airborne Drones Atlas-T also tend to be faster to deploy, and tend to be significantly cheaper to acquire and operate.

Airborne Drones
Release Date
Rotor Count

The Airborne Drones Atlas-T sits on the slower side of drones, with a max speed sitting around 18 m/s. This might not be a bad thing though, so it really depends on why you're looking at buying the drone. If you're happy with a slightly slower drone then this one could be what you're after.

A maximum flight time of 80 min offers the Airborne Drones Atlas-T an extremely long usage time when compared with other drones. Whether you're looking at getting significant usage out of it each flight, or just looking for a drone that lasts longer between charges, this could be the drone for you.

Max. Speed
18 m/s
Max. Range
150 km
Max. Flight Time
80 min

Dimensions of the Airborne Drones Atlas-T come in at 835 x 835 x 350 mm .

With a total weight of only 15 kg, the drone comes in on the lighter side of drones. Perfect to carry around with you, or throw into a travel bag.

835 x 835 x 350 mm
15 kg
Live Video Resolution
Return Home?
Foldable Design?

Alternatives to the Airborne Drones Atlas-T